The room is small. But has no walls.
As the eye lids crack. Mathematical equations are your only assistance in piecing together space & time. You feel lighter.
A glance down says your incomplete. Your no expert what does this all mean. Relying on memory appears to be the only ally. Shit, shit your memory was never that great. Get it together. Think. The sun. Intense illumination.
Illumination into darkness.
Mentally exhausted as if you watched your whole life for your whole life. Though, you can’t remember it like a dream.
Another sense, your hearing words.
“This way, come this way”
Which way you can’t see. Mathematical equations turning into shapes. Geographical patterns. You think, are these shapes metaphysical. Can I grab these? You sit yourself upright. Why did only one arm do all the work? Never mind that the voices on the intercom. Their coming from in front of you. You know it. You hop off the platform. That was your new origin. Upon movement total collapse. The sun shined once again like you remembered.
But you never got to see it.