The post apocalyptic environment
The year is 2130 maybe. A lone survivor, nay, nearly lone. Till death do us part says the Canine species. Loyal animal & man find themselves in cooperation. Located in the mid west where the days seek to parch the thirst of any challenger in the sun. While freezing over night. It is not long that our champion remembers what alarm clocks sound like in 2130. Grand vibrations emitting from the earth that follow loud tree falling like noises. To the eye nothing is seen connected to this phenomenon. As for the he Canine. This good boy doesn’t ever make a peep. The ears. The ears, they always perk up and follow the noise. Rather odd the canine companion has such composure.
Never the less, resources are to be gathered. Upon waking up, it was clear, reception was not pointing in the direction of service. As our champion treks. Upward & onward emits from the canine. The two stumble across and abandon town. Adequate amounts of wood for fire. Naturally examination of any building that appears safe enough to enter is thoroughly searched for goods. Ultimately, nothing of value in the buildings that had easy access. There comes a time when a champion must do champion actions. Champion decides that it is paramount to quench the thirst of the two travelers. The conclusion, the weak foundation buildings must be explored.
As the vibrations from ground up continue. Champion can see the buildings collapsing ever so much more.
It is go time.
Champion manages to explore two buildings with ease. Confidence builds with in. Finally, a half case of mineral water. Champion can see it from the outside. Upon entry, the ceiling collapsed onto the champion. The vibrations have appeared to caused this disruption. With calls for the champions companion breaches through. The canine eventually pulls the champion out of the rubble with conjoined effort.
The vibrations are near dust is unsettling in the distance. The two find shelter a basement. With immense pounding from above the two. They worry. Time passes the vibrations never go away. As the two become hungrier and hungrier by the day. The vibrations are gauged to be coming from right above. Either dare to even consider leaving the basement.
Hunger overcomes our champion. Delusion and hysteria brings survival to the champions forefront. Our champion ate that very next morning. It was a lonely meal.