The Dangers of Centralization

Joe Sammartino
4 min readMar 3, 2022


It is no longer about right verses left. Republican verses Democrat. It is now centralization verses decentralization. And of course the factions that previously existed did not vanish. But they did fit which ever molding most identified with them. The right, republicans and now majorly the decentralization adopters. The left, democrats are now the pushing proponent of centralization. Centralization is the end all be all. It is what the looney conspiracy theorist warned us about.


With the world in the amount of turmoil that it is. Which so many selfish interest between various factions of power all over the world. How can anything that need be done to save humanity be accomplished. Well one solution is to align all these separate pockets of power and have a very select small number of high level high power yielding individuals that are supposedly qualified to make decisions on our behalf for our behalf. Right, like cut me a break wouldn’t a successful company like amazon accomplish more in policy than say our political system? With the expansion of technology and the off ramps that deter the very controlling technology that is being presented to man kind is the same technology that is defending freedom. Centralization is combining powers with major government intervention in the lives of the people. Centralization is working with companies that have superior power to the retail population. When the private sector and the government have these dismantling powers and then joined at the hip. It is a grim reality for the folk that have to endure a society with so little choice and so little autonomy. Decentralization puts each individual at an equal playing field. Decentralization takes away focused harnessed power from any one individual or any group of people. Decentralization respects the autonomy of man kind. It allows us to take full responsibility for our own lives. Who better to do the right thing by you than you?

The left are drastically fighting against the American peoples interest. It is time for regular every day average Americans to wake up to the corruption and lies being spewed by the left. Largely in the face of safety. The left continues to take away our rights and liberties by serving a false sense of security in exchange for freedom. Do not let them do this to bitcoin. Bitcoin is single handedly dismantling the centralization that the global elite are so egger to establish. Bitcoin allows us individuals to be our own bank and operate in a financial system that is not controlled by unelected unaccountable financial decision makers. Bitcoin can not be inflated unlike the money of the centralized banking system as we saw during covid. Bitcoin by design is uncontrollable and any one that does not want bitcoin to succeed or be overly regulated wants control over you. Bitcoin is the fire of freedom in the 21st century. If bitcoin collapses or is some how managed to become centralized then there are not many major movement projects underway that represent the hurt and desire to break free of the current social systems that exist today. Though, this same technology of digital currency in the form of bitcoin is the same technology that is being used by centralized powers to track us and ultimately have the full range of power to essentially shut any agent down in a sense. For instance say we live in a world where all transactions are digital and you are a customer of Chase bank. You buy food through Chase bank digital app. You pay rent and leisure activities with your phone digitally. Let’s say one day you are voicing your opinion on facebook or you attend a protest. With the centralized world all these mediums are in communication with one another and Chase bank finds that you have broken their terms of service and will be shutting down your ability to pay for goods. Well sure just go to another bank right. Well now what if the government implemented such a program and had such power over the people. What if the government shut down your ability to represent yourself digitally in an era of digitalization.

This is the direction we are going in folks. The war for freedom is upon us. We are still in existential times. The powers that be used covid to begin the process of rearranging society. To reengineer life as we know it. It will be a tough battle. I believe the people will ultimately win. Though the ride will be bumpy. The road will be long. We are looking at the first major threat to the free world. America has never been this close to falling. The global elites want to stifle any autonomous independent powers on this planet. Stand strong be brave. Good always wins in the end.



Joe Sammartino

Degree holder of psychology and philosophy. World traveler. A creative of ideas just not physically creative.