Emotion, What is it?

Joe Sammartino
3 min readAug 27, 2021


How we interact with emotions dictate how the day will go. What is our relationship with emotions? Really, what is even going on when we feel an emotion. An emotion is a sensation. It is exactly that, a sensation. The sensation of an emotion and an event that triggers an emotion are not the same. An event that prompts the onset of an emotion is not the emotion. And vise versa an emotion is not the event that created this sensation. What am I even saying and what does this even mean? How, could it possibly be that the event that spawned a physiological and psychological response not one? If, broken up with and sad. Well, one is sad because they were broken up with. This is true, but the emotion and event react to each and feed off of each other. The emotion is not attached to the event. The emotion is the sensation that we will. We then attach the emotion to this event.

The emotions can not be wrong. They are an automatic response that our bodies are producing. What becomes problematic in the relationship we have with these sensations. Is the attachment and reactions we produce from what we are feeling. The emotion does not communicate with the event. We interact with the emotion separately from the event. It is when we react to the event based on the energy of that emotion. This is when we make errors in our behavior. Typically, behaving in ways that we normally would not. But, boy, is it hard to not feed into the energy of the sensation. That sensation feels very much alive within us regardless of that sensation. Feeling the emotion for the emotions essence and nothing more. Is the best plan of action. It is real. We feel it. It was brought on by a particular situation which would other wise not prompt this sensation. Then, how could one feel without the attachment if they are so clearly reactionary to one another?

Emotion and logic chase each other outside of the mind. When our emotions are high and running. We usually are not thinking logically. That is not always a bad thing. When we are happy and over the moon about an accomplishment. Even then do we manage to have a lessened sense of reality. In good emotion, we feel ecstasy. In lesser emotion, we feel crushed, destroyed maybe even less than zero. Neither direction is a balanced baseline of who we are.

How do we get back to baseline? Feel the emotion. Feel the sensation. Let that emotion consume you and pass without action. There is no telling how long one will feel something. Though by attaching this emotion to a situation. We can reliably and consistently call back this emotion with the event. Often times leaving us to reply over and over again this mini movie that is resulting in summoning this emotion. Yes, the event called for a response within our bodies. But that does not mean that we must turn this emotion into a being with purpose. It is a feeling that must be felt and passed. The situation must be addressed, recognized and learned from.

What is the point of this? Why try and fight the urge of acting within the confines of emotion? Because we do stupid things when we act with emotion rather than logic most of the time. It is good to be aware and a master over your own self. Emotions are not wrong. They should not be ignored. Spare your future self and endure the emotion for what it is. Rather than endure an emotional situation that calls for an even greater lack of logic. The lack of logic does not lead to the best possible outcomes for us most of the time. If we are to be optimized we must understand the battle between emotion and logic.



Joe Sammartino

Degree holder of psychology and philosophy. World traveler. A creative of ideas just not physically creative.